Archive for the ‘Dodge Ram’ Category

Dodge Ram A/C Drain Line Installation

Sunday, September 21st, 2014

The second generation Dodge Ram drains condensate from the air conditioning from a 1″ long horizontal drain tube that sticks through the firewall. This causes water to run down the firewall and constantly soak the firewall insulation, firewall, and suspension links. Additionally, this can lead to water draining back through the firewall and cause the […]

Dodge Ram Door Buzzer Disconnect

Saturday, November 12th, 2011

Many people find the door buzzer on 2nd gen dodge rams extremely annoying. It comes on for anything from leaving the keys in the ignition with the door open to leaving the headlights on. I wanted to get rid of the key in the ignition warning, but keep the headlight warnings and other buzzer functions […]