Military Oscilloscope
Here are some pictures of an old military oscilloscope I found at an electronics store. I believe it is off a ship as it has the characteristic “musty destroyer” smell to it. I have plugged it in and it seems to be functioning well for the most part. All of the ID tags are removed from it so I cant tell who makes it, but it is definitely a military item.
Ready to Ship:
The probe holder in the front case (all probes were missing):
Running with a 1000Hz Tone:
Tags: military, navy, old, oscilloscope, ship, tube, tubes
Sunday, February 8th, 2009 at 01:32 • Old N' Cool • RSS 2.0 feed • leave a response or trackback
I have one of these oscilloscopes. Any idea of what they are worth? thanks
Depends on the type. New ones are really expensive. This particular one uses tubes and due to its age is relatively useless compared to the modern ones. This older one is worth about $20-40 depending on where you live and who wants it. I sold this one for $20 to a local group that puts on haunted houses.